dered by a justice as aforesaid, and the party found
guilty shall, in that case, likewise give bail for his ap-
pearance to the circuit court; and it is further pro-
vided, that the grand jury for said county may indict
any person for a violation of said charter, by-laws or
ordinances as for other criminal offenses, and the in-
dictment shall conclude "Against the charter, by-laws
or ordinancesyof the town of East New Market," as
the case may be.
SEC. 25. Nothing herein contained shall interfere
with the functions of the existing commissioners of
said town, until the election and qualification of their
successors under this act; but they shall possess the
How construed
same powers which they now hare, and the existing
laws of said town shall continue in force and be effec-
tive until the election and qualification of a new board
of commissioners as aforesaid.
SEC. 26. Be it enacted, That the commissioners of
Dorchester county shall, on the first day of. May next,
and annually thereafter, pay to the commissioners of
Who to pay.
East New Market the sum of twenty dollars, for the
purpose of assisting in keeping up the streets within
the corporate limits.
SEC...27. Be it enacted, That the commissioners of
Dorchester county are hereby authorized, in their dis-
cretion, to grant unto the commissioners of East New
Grant right and
Market the right and permission to haul dirt and sand
from the county road just beyond the East New Mar-
ket depot, where the sand is heavy, for the purpose of
filling up the sidewalks of said town.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1884.