procedure shall conform to the existing laws governing
the sale of real or leasehold estate for county and state
Mode of pro-
taxes; and the bailiff or bailiffs shall, within four
months after the receipt of the said warrant and list,
account for and pay the sum collected to the commis-
sioners, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars in each
case; all taxes levied as aforesaid shall bear interest
after four months from the date when the tax list is
placed in the hands of the bailiff for collection, and the
bailiff or bailiffs shall collect and pay over any levy
placed in his or their hands within four months after
the receipt of said warrant and list, and upon his fail-
ure to do so his bond shall at once be put in suit.
SEC. 19. Any person who shall pay his taxes levied
as aforesaid within thirty days after the tax list is
placed in the hands of the bailiff for collection, shall
Entitled to dis-
be entitled to a discount of five per cent, thereon,
which discount shall be allowed the bailiff in his set-
tlement with the commissioners.
SEC. 20. The tenant or occupant of any house or
parcel of land in said town shall be chargeable with
the taxes thereon, and may collect the same from the
Who is charge-
owner, or deduct the same from the rent due, or to
become due, and shall be entitled to a credit to that
extent on his or her rent.
SEC. 21. The said commissioners may assess and
levy a tax, not exceeding two dollars each, for any dog
belonging to or kept by any of the inhabitants of the
town, to be recovered and collected as other taxes, and
may compel the bailiff to kill any dog within the town
Dog tax.
whose owner cannot be ascertained, or whose ostensible
owner shall fail to pay or evade the payment of the
said tax; and they shall adopt such by-laws as will
effectually enforce the provisions of this section.
SEC. 22. The said commissioners may cause the side-
walks or footways in said town to be paved whenever
and in such manner as they may think proper, and
may require the owner of real or leasehold property to
pave such part of the sidewalks or footways as may
border on his or her ground or property; and if the
owner of any such property shall refuse or neglect to
Pave sidewalks
have the same paved for a longer time than, thirty
days after notice thereof by the bailiff, the commis-
sioners may have the same paved at his or her expense,
and may collect the cost of such pavement from such
owner in the same manner as other debts are collected,