be deemed a sufficient cause of removal, and they shall
be so removed.
SEC. 45. And be it enacted, That the said state
fishery, force shall have charge and control of the
enforcement of all laws of this state relating to fish,
Enforce a
whether general or local, and the several deputy com-
manders of sloops or vessels shall be required to visit
the tributaries and streams of their respective dis-
tricts at least once in two weeks between the first day
of May and the first day of October, and at any other
time when notified by citizens or others of violations,
and they shall arrest and bring to trial all persons
Arrest all vio-
found violating any acts of assembly, and cause them
to be tried and punished as provided for by law.
SEC. 46. And be it enacted, That the commander
of said force shall have the control and direction of
the said force under the supervision of the board of
public works, with power to direct their movements,
Office of com-
and shall have an office in the city of Annapolis, to
which place all complaints, applications for assistance
and reports from deputy commanders shall be ad-
dressed, and shall be permitted to have one clerk at a
salary of six hundred dollars per year.
SEC. 47. And be it enacted, That nothing con-
tained in this act shall be construed to affect any pros-
Not effect pros-
ecutions for the violation of the existing law in this
state or for offences against the same, committed be-
fore the passage of this act.
SEC. 48. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1884.