SEC. 36. And be it enacted, That the officers and
crew of the vessels aforesaid shall each receive one
ration per day, of the quality and quantity such as is
Rations allow
allowed by law to the officers and crew of the reve-
nue marine of the United States, but no rations shall
be allowed to officers or crews of sailing vessels.
SEC. 37. And be it enacted, That the officers and
crews aforesaid shall be paid monthly by the treasu-
How paid.
rer, upon warrant of the comptroller and the certifi-
cate of the commanding officers that their duties have
been performed as required by law.
SEC. 38. And be it enacted, That all oysters in the
shell, disposed of in the State of Maryland, shall be
measured in a sealed measure of any capacity, from
Shell oysters—
how Bold.
half a bushel to three bushels, that may be agreed
upon between the seller and purchaser; provided that
the said measure or measures shall contain in quantity
for each bushel thereof according to the following
dimensions, that is to say, sixteen and a half inches
Size of bushel.
across from inside to inside at the bottom; eighteen
inches from inside to inside at the top, and twenty-one
inches diagonal from the inside chine to the top, and
the same shall be even or struck measure.
SEC. 39. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the purchaser or seller to have and use said
Inspect meas-
measure or measures duly inspected and sealed by the
proper officers, and that no other measure shall be
used, under a forfeit of fifty dollars for each and every
offence, to be recovered before any justice of the
peace, by criminal prosecution, in the name of the
State of Maryland or court having criminal jurisdic-
tion, one half of said fine to go to the informer, the
other half to be paid to the comptroller, to be placed
to the credit of the oyster fund.
SEC. 40. And be it enacted, That if any boat or
vessel shall be seen sailing over any of the waters of
this state which are exempted from dredging by law,
in the same manner in which they sail to take or catch
oysters with scoop, scrape, drag, dredge or similar in-
strument, the said boat or vessel shall be pursued by
Pursue vessel
any officer or officers authorized by this act to make
arrests; and if said boat or vessel, apprehended by
said officer, shall be found to have on board any wet
oysters, or the dredges or dredge line or deck wet, in-
dicating the taking of oysters at said time, and pro-
perly equipped for taking or catching oysters with