received from colored tongers shall go to the colored
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That every applicant
for license to use any canoe or other boat in taking or
catching oysters with rakes or tongs shall be required
to make oath or affirmation before the clerk author-
ized to issue the same, or some justice of the peace,
on whose certificate of the taking of such oath or affir-
mation the clerk shall issue said license; that the facts
Applicant to
make oath.
set forth in said license are strictly true; that he has been
a bona fide resident of the county for the twelve months
next preceding his application for said license; that he
desires and intends to use said canoe or boat only in
the county in which he resides, or the waters used in
common as herein provided in this act; that no non-
resident of Maryland is interested in the said canoe
or other-boat or in the use thereof; and that he will
not allow the same to be used for taking oysters by
non-residents of the county, or on account of non-
residents of the State of Maryland; that he will
comply with and obey all the laws of this state
regulating the taking or catching of oysters; and
Have number
every person to whom such license shall have been
granted shall paint the number of his canoe or boat
on the outside thereof, near the gunwale, in black
figures, and not less than three inches in length and
of proportionate width, in a white ground, and no
number other than that in the said license shall be ex-
posed to view on said canoe or boat; and any person
failing to comply with this provision before using said
boat or canoe for the purpose aforesaid shall, on con-
viction thereof before a justice of the peace, be fined
not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars ;
and any person who may refuse to pay said fine shall
be committed to the county jail for the period of thirty
days, or until said fine and costs be paid.
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That the comptroller
of the treasury shall cause to be printed and delivered
to the clerks of the circuit courts for the several coun-
ties, the requisite number of such blank licenses and
take receipts for the same, as for other licenses fur-
Clerk to return
nished, and the said clerks shall, on the first Monday
list of licenses.
of March and December in each year, return to the
comptroller a list and account of such licenses issued
by them, and at the end of each tonging season shall
return all unused licenses to him, and no licenses to