Monday of January, and they shall elect from their
number at the first meeting of the board after their
election, as prescribed by the second section of this
act, and after all subsequent elections, a president and
Directors —
when elected.
vice-president; and shall also have power to elect a
secretary and treasurer, and to appoint and employ
such other officers, clerks and agents as the business of
said company from time to time requires; all elections
shall be by ballot, and at such elections and all meet-
ings of stockholders every stockholder shall be entitled
to one vote for every share of stock held by him, but
no person shall be eligible as director who is not a
stockholder to the amount of twenty shares of stock.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, that ten days' notice shall
be given by publication in two daily newspapers pub-
lished in the city of Baltimore of the time and place
Give notice of
of said annual election, which election shall be con-
ducted by three stockholders to be elected from the
body of stockholders, one of whom shall be designated
to act as judge and the other two as inspectors.
SEO. 5. And ~be it enacted, That the directors shall
have power to declare such dividends of profits of the
Declare divi-
Baid company as they may deem proper; provided
that no dividend shall be declared when the capital
stock would be impaired thereby.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the president, vice-
president and directors of said company shall be and
they are hereby authorized and empowered to receive
and keep on deposit all such valuables, gold, silver or
What to re-
paper money, bullion, precious metals, jewels, plate,
certificates of stock, or evidence of indebtedness, deeds
or muniments of title, or other valuable papers of any
kind, or any other article or thing whatsoever, which
may be left or deposited for safe keeping with said
company, and shall be entitled to charge such com-
mission or compensation therefor as may be agreed
upon; and for the complete preservation and safe
keeping thereof, shall construct, erect or purchase
such fire and burglar proof building vaults, iron or
composition safes, or other means, which may be or
become necessary, and generally to transact and per-
form all the business relating to such deposit and safe
keeping or preservation of all such articles or valua-
bles as may be deposited with said company, and also
Capital — how
to invest the capital or funds as may be deposited with