Chapter 470.
AN ACT to repeal section five of article ninety-three
of the Code of Public General Laws, title " Testa-
mentary Law," regulating the fees of executors, sub-
title "Account," and to re-enact the same with
amendments, to read as follows.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly
of Maryland, That section five of article ninety-three
of the Code of Public General Laws, title " Testament-
Repealed and
ary Law," regulating the fees of executors, sub-title
"Account," be and the same is hereby repealed and
re-enacted with amendments, so as to read as follows:
SEC. 5. On the other side shall be stated the dis-
bursements by him made, viz : First, funeral expenses
to be allowed at the discretion of the court according
to the condition and circumstances of the deceased,
not to exceed three hundred dollars; second, the debts
of the deceased proved or passed, as herein directed,
and paid or retained; third, the allowance for things
lost or which have perished without the party's fault,
which allowance shall be according to the appraise-
ment; fourth, his commissions, which shall be at the
in executor's
discretion of the court not under two per cent , nor
exceeding ten per cent, on the first twenty thousand
dollars of the estate, and on the balance of the estate
not more than two per cent.; fifth, his allowance for
cost and extraordinary expenses, (not personal) which
the court may think proper to allow, laid out in the
recovery or security of any part of the estate, and the
court may allow him credit for live stock killed for
the necessary use of the family before a sale.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1884.