tricts wherein the property assessed is located, or the
owners reside, to be delivered to the parties owing
the same; and each bill so made out shall contain a
notice that if the same be not paid on or before the
first day of June next after the date of said bill, the
property upon which such taxes may be owing will be
Sold for taxes.
levied upon and sold to enforce payment thereof; and
there shall be added to the principal sum of such state
and county taxes, and interest thereon, the additional
sum of twenty-five cents, for payment of the costs of
the service of such bill for taxes. The bills so made
out shall be placed in the hands of the said constables
on or before the first Monday in April after the date
thereof, and one copy of each such bill shall be delivered
to the person or corporate institution against whom
Tax bill— how
made out; or. in the event of failure to find such person
or taxpayer in the district, such tax-bill shall be left
with the agent of such person, persons or institution, or
conspicuously posted on the property assessed, within
thirty days after the receipt of the same; and the con-
stable receiving such tax-bills shall endorse upon one
copy thereof the time and manner of service made,
and shall return the same to the treasurer within
twenty days after making such service. The said con-
stables shall be paid a fee of twenty cents for each tax-
Constable's lee
bill and notice served by them respectively, payable
by the treasurer out of the additional charge of twen-
ty-five cents aforesaid, and the remaining five cents
thereof, when collected, shall be retained by the treas-
urer for costs of making out the tax-bills; the consta-
bles shall have no authority to collect such bills, nor
any part thereof, and any constable who shall do so,
or who shall make any false return under the pro-
visions of this section, shall be liable to indictment
therefor, and upon conviction he shall pay a fine of
fifty dollars, one half thereof to go to the informer
and the other half to the county school fund, for each
such offense
SEC. 200, SUB-SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the
treasurer to enforce the payment of all taxes remain-
Enforce pay-
ing unpaid on the first day of June in the year suc-
ceeding that in which the same shall have been levied
by a levy upon the real or personal property of the
person or persons, or corporate institution, so neglect-
ing to pay; provided the last notice required in the
preceding section shall have been given. If the taxes