value to the amount of their bond; and it shall be the
duty of said commissioners, before approving the bond
of any treasurer as hereinbefore mentioned, to cause
Duty of com-
the records of the county to be searched by their coun-
sel or by some competent person, for the purpose of
ascertaining the sufficiency of such bond so presented
for approval, and the person making the search shall,
under oath, report to the said commissioners the result
of such examination. The said commissioners may at
Demand fur-
any time demand of any treasurer such other or fur-
ther bond.
ther bond, with such other or further security, as in
their judgment the interests of the state or said county
may require.
SEC. 197. The county commissioners shall appoint
and furnish the treasurer an office in the court-
house building, or in some other building as near
to the same as possible, in the city of Annapolis,
which office shall be plainly designated as the office of
the county treasurer by external sign; and it shall be
the duty of the treasurer to keep his said office open
from ten o'clock in the forenoon until three o'clock in
the afternoon, and to attend therein for the transac-
tion of business, in person or by deputy, on every day
in the week except Sundays and legal holidays, and
except when he is absent from the city of Annapolis
for the purpose of collecting taxes, as hereinafter pro-
vided for. It shall be his duty to attend, in person or
Two days In
each district.
by deputy, in each election district of said county two
days between the first day of July and the first day of
September, in each year, to collect and receive taxes,
and at a different place in each of said districts on each
of said two days respectively given to each district;
the times and places of such visits he shall make known
not less than two weeks in advance by hand-bills an-
nouncing the same conspicuously posted in three pub-
lic places in each election district of said county, and
by advertisements in two newspapers published in
said county; and such hand-bills and advertisements,
and the tax-bills hereinafter mentioned, shall also con-
tain a brief abstract of the provisions of section one
hundred and ninety-eight of this article, relating to
discounts to be allowed and interest to be charged on
tax-bills; and the said treasurer shall also keep a brief
notice in two newspapers published in said county,
announcing where his office may be and where he can
be found therein, and announcing also briefly the pro-