Annapolis, six hundred dollars each — twelve hundred
dollars; to the person employed to take care of the
public buildings and grounds, six hundred dollars; to
the person employed to take care of the court of
appeals room, one hundred dollars; to the person em-
ployed to take charge of the governor's mansion and the
furnaces thereof, six hundred dollars; to the keeper of
the state house furnaces and to his assistant, six hun-
dred dollars each — twelve hundred dollars; for print-
ing the report of the state tax commissioner, four hun-
dred dollars; for the postage for the executive depart-
ment, the land office, the treasury department, the
secretary of the senate and chief clerk of the house
of delegates, twelve hundred and fifty dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary; for fuel and
For miscellanc-
ous purposes.
lights for the public buildings and grounds, to be ex-
pended under the direction and control of the gov-
ernor, five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may
be necessary; for the traveling expenses of the state
tax commissioner, eight hundred dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary; to the twenty-six news-
papers in which shall be published the defaulters to
the state previous to the general election in November,
eighteen hundred and eighty-five, to be distributed by
the comptroller upon bills rendered, one thousand dol-
lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for the
publication of the Public General Laws made to take
effect from the date of their passage, which may be
passed at January session, eighteen hundred and eighty-
six, fifteen thousand six hundred dollars.
To pay the members and officers of the general as-
sembly, including postage, stationery, mileage and
miscellaneous expenses, as follows, to wit : For the per
diem of the president of the senate, at eight dollars
per day, seven hundred and twenty dollars; for the
per diem of twenty-five senators, at five dollars per
Per diem of the
day, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;
officers and the
members of the
for the per diem of one secretary of the senate,
at ten dollars per day, nine hundred dollars; for
the per diem of one reading clerk of the senate,
at ten dollars per day, nine hundred dollars; for
the per diem of one journal clerk of the senate at ten
dollars per day, nine hundred dollars; for the per