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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 49   View pdf image (33K)
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condition of the same to the county commissioners at

the regular meeting in said month, with any recom-

mendations that they may desire to make, and with a

statement of the cost of repairs or improvements

made by them up to that time, attaching to said state-

ment an affidavit in the usual form; and they shall

also, at the same time, report to the county commis-

sioners the name of any supervisor who may have

failed to perform his duties as defined in this act; and

the road commissioners in each election district, with

the county commissioner in charge of said district,

shall make, prior to the first day of each of the

Make general

months of January, April, July and October in each

year, a general inspection of the roads therein, and

shall determine whether said roads are in the condi-

tion required by law, and report their determination

to the county commissioners; and immediately after

said inspection the road commissioners shall meet to

issue to the road supervisors, who have complied with

the law, certificates for one-fourth of the yearly pro-

Issue certifi-

portion of their contracts, but no certificate shall be

issued except upon the concurrence of at least two of

said commissioners, who shall also affix their names to

said certificates, and the said certificates shall be paid

by the clerk of the county commissioners on presenta-

tion to him, and the compensation of the road com-

missioner shall be two dollars per day for every day

of road commis-

that they may be necessarily engaged in the perform-


ance of their duties, said compensation not to exceed

in aggregate for any one year more than fifty dollars,

except for services rendered in making repairs and

improvements; and in case of the failure or refusal of

any road commissioner to perform his duties, the

county commissioners shall proceed against him in the

same manner as against a delinquent road supervisor.

SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That whenever any per-

son or persons shall desire to improve any road to an

extent beyond that required by this act, they shall

make application in writing to the county commis-

Make applica-

sioners, who shall direct the road commissioners for

tion in writing.

the election district in which the road is located, to

view the same and report whether in their judgment

the improvements should be made, and also the esti-

mated cost of said improvements; and the county

commissioners may thereupon order said improve-

ments to be made, provided the persons making appli-


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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 49   View pdf image (33K)
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