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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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to the county commissioners all the proceedings under

Report all pro-

this section; but the selling of all roads and the


awarding of all contracts shall be controlled by the

road commissioner in each road district, in conjunc-

tion with the county commissioner in charge of the

election district; and when a new road shall have

been opened, the county commissioners shall contract

for the repair of the same, in the same manner as for

other roads, until the next regular awarding of con-

tracts for roads shall occur; and it shall be set forth

in all contracts under this section that the persons

contracting shall be bound to keep the roads in their

Keep roads in
good condition.

charge in the condition required by this act, without

reference to the amount bid by them at the public

auction of said roads, or agreed upon between them

and the road commissioners and county commission-

ers, as the contract price for keeping the same in re-


SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the contractors un-

der the aforegoing section shall be known as road

Contractors —

supervisors, and it shall be the duty of said super-

how known.

visors to keep the roads in their charge at all times in

good repair, so as to afford free, safe and easy passage

over the same, said roads to be free from all over-

hanging and projecting limbs or bushes, from all ruts,

holes, loose stones, brush and rubbish of every kind

whatsoever, higher in the centre than at the sides, ex-

cept when otherwise ordered by the county commis-

sioners, and with clear, open ditches of sufficient ca-

pacity and grade to carry off the water; the super-

visors shall give prompt notice to the road commis-

Give prompt
notice to com-

sioner in charge of their road district of any injury


done to the bridges on the roads in their charge, and

also of any unlawful obstruction placed on said roads;

and any supervisor, failing to perform the aforegoing

duties shall be liable to indictment by the grand jury,

and upon conviction, shall be fined not more than

one hundred nor less than twenty-five dollars, with

costs; and if the same cannot be recovered from the

said supervisor, his bond shall be liable for the pay-

ment thereof, the fine to be paid into the county treas-

Bond liable for
payment of fine

ury to the credit of the road and bridge account; and

the county commissioners, upon the complaint to them

in writing of any responsible citizen and taxpayer of

the county, or upon the report of any road commis-

sioner or county commissioner that any supervisor is

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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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