SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said bonds shall
be issued to mature, at such dates, as shall not require
the payment in any one year, of more than one thous-
How mature.
and dollars of the principal sum thereof; and that
said bonds shall be redeemable with interest by said
county commissioners at the maturity thereof.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, To redeem said bonds,
the county commissioners shall annually levy upon
the assessable property of Caroline county a tax suf-
Annually levy
ficient to pay the interest on said loan, and said por-
tion of the principal sum to be annually paid, and for
the collection thereof, said levy to be separately desig-
nated as the court-house fund.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the bonds hereby
authorized shall be exempt from county and municipal
Exempt from
taxation, and that the interest of said bonds, shall be
received by the collector in payment of county taxes.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That when the remodel-
ing, improving and enlarging said old court-house and
constructing the necessary fire-proof vaults is com-
pleted, the said county commissioners shall make a
Make state
full, clear and explicit statement of the number and
amount of bonds sold as aforesaid, give a full and
detailed statement of the cost of remodeling, improv-
ing and enlarging said court-house and constructing
the necessary fire-proof vaults therein; the name of
every person to whom money was paid and the amount
Publish in
thereof in the premises, and shall publish said state-
ment for three successive weeks in the newspapers
published in Caroline county.
Approved April 8, 1884.