be built, and the width between the rails or planks
comprising the fence shall be such as is usual in the
construction of good post and rail plank or worm
fences; and all brush fences made upon the ground
to be at least four feet high, and all brush fences made
upon an embankment to be at least three feet high,
provided the embankment be eighteen inches high ;
and provided that nothing contained in this act shall
be so construed as to extend to other than outside
fence or fences between proprietors; and if any live
stock, of any kind or description whatever, shall break
into any person's enclosure, the same being of the
height and sufficiency aforesaid, then the owner or
owners of such live stock shall be liable to make good
Who liable for
all such damages to the owner or owners of such en-
closure as shall be found and awarded by two or more
judicious persons, to be appointed by a justice of the
peace in said county, said persons to view the same,
under oath, and make return before the justice of the
peace by whom they were appointed, and the said
damages to be recovered in the same manner that is
or shall be provided by law for the recovery of small
Damages — how
debts; provided, nevertheless, upon trial before a jus-
tice of the peace for damages, at the instance of either
party, it shall be the duty of said justice of the peace
to issue a subpoena for such witness as either plaintiff
or defendant may require; provided that the provi-
sions of this act shall not apply to or be applicable to
any fence now or hereafter to be enacted of post and
wire, or post and part wire, and post, plank or rail, as
required by law to be erected in certain places in
said county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1884.