Chapter 40.
AN ACT to refund to Maria Laura Key, of Saint
Mary's county, certain sums of money erroneously
paid into the treasury.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the treasurer of the state be and
he is hereby directed and authorized, upon the war-
rant of the comptroller, to pay to Maria Laura Key,
Repay taxes
paid in error.
of Saint Mary's county, the sum of thirteen dollars
and twenty-five cents, being the sum the said Maria
Laura Key has paid into the treasury erroneously for
taxes for the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six
to eighteen hundred and eighty-two inclusive.
Approved March 4, 1884.
Chapter 41.
AN ACT to encourage the killing of hawks, big owls
and crows, in Calvert county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That any person killing any hawk, big
owl, crow or fox, within the limits of Calvert county,
Bounty for kill-
ing; hawks. &c.
shall be entitled to a bounty of twenty-five cents for
every hawk and big owl, and six and a quarter cents
for every crow so killed, and fifty cents for every fox
so killed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That to obtain said
bounty it shall be necessary for the person killing any
hawk, big owl, crow or fox, to produce the scalp of
such hawk, big owl, or bill of such crow and brush of
such fox, before some justice of the peace of Calvert
Bounty ? how
county, and at the same time make oath that the said
hawk, big owl, crow or fox was killed within the limits
of Calvert county, and thereupon the said justice of
the peace shall give a certificate of the production of
such scalp or bill, and the taking of said oath, and it
shall be the duty of the said justice of the peace to