eight, chapter ninety-eight, all of which refer to the
Bank of Commerce of Baltimore city, be and it is
hereby repealed, and in lieu of said acts —
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That the said Bank of Com-
merce be and it is hereby continued in existence
Existence con-
as a body politic and corporate, with the rights and
privileges, and upon the conditions, and subject to the
same limitations in this act contained.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of said corporation shall consist of two hundred and
two thousand and five hundred dollars, divided into
shares of fifteen dollars each, with the privilege of
increasing from time to time the capital stock of
said corporation to an amount not exceeding one
Capital stock.
million dollars, and with the privilege of increasing
the par value of the shares to twenty dollars each,
provided the increase of the capital stock of the said
corporation, in any form, shall be effected only by
payment in lawful money of the United States, and
shall be authorized by the stockholders at a general
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the affairs of the
How managed.
said corporation shall be managed by a president and
directors, and the number of directors of said corpo-
ration shall not be greater than twelve nor less than
five, the number to be determined by the stockholders
of said corporation at a general meeting, to be held
for the purpose of the first election of directors, to be
made in the month of January next after this act
shall take effect; and Eugene Levering, George O.
Manning, James R. Clark, John C. King, Thomas H.
Who to consti-
Hanson, Charles Markel and John A. Totnkins, or a
tute directors.
majority of them, are hereby constituted a board of
directors to manage the affairs of said corporation
until said election; and in case it should at any time
happen that an election of directors or appointment of
president of the said bank should not be made so as to
take effect on any day when in pursuance of law the
same should take effect, the corporation shall not, for
that cause, be deemed to be dissolved, but it shall be
lawful at any time within sixty days thereafter to
make such election and appointment in such manner
as shall be directed and provided by the by-laws of
the bank; and the number of directors of said corpo-
ration may be changed by the stockholders from time
to time within the limits of the time aforesaid.