have the same powers and rights which are con-
ferred upon the county courts, and the clerks of
the counties, and the sheriffs of said counties, and
the jurors summoned by them from the inhabitants of
said counties, and the justices of the peace of said
counties, and the parties interested in the exercise of
the powers by the act, to which this a supplement, and
the amendments and supplements thereto; and the
Inquisition re-
inquisition shall be returned by the sheriff to the clerk
turned to clerk.
of the court which may be named in the warrant of
the justice of the peace; and said court may confirm
said inquisition at any time after the return of said
inquisition to the clerk of said court, if no sufficient
cause to the contrary be shown; but thirty (30) days
Time allowed
after such return shall be allowed in which to file ob-
to object.
jections to the confirmation of any such inquisition.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 28, 1884.
Chapter 231.
AN ACT to subject to assessment and taxation all
bonds or certificates of debt bearing interest issued
by any railroad corporation or other corporation of
this state secured by mortgage of property wholly
within this state to the owner or owners thereof, in
the same manner as like bonds or certificates of
debt bearing interest and secured by mortgage of
property partly in this state and partly in some
other state or states, are now subject under the laws
of this state, and to repeal all provisions con-
tained in any act or acts of assembly which are in-
consistent with the provisions of this act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That from and after the passage of this
act, all bonds and certificates of debt bearing interest,
Tax railroad
issued by any railroad corporation or other corpor-
ation of this state, secured by mortgage of property