SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the boundaries of
said district shall be as follows : Commencing at the
northeast corner of Frederick election district number
two, and thence running with the western boundary
of said district to its intersection with the Shookstown
road; thence with the middle of said road to its junc-
tion with the county road leading by the artesian
Metes and
wells; thence from the said junction to the southeast
corner of Edward Kemp's dwelling-house; thence with
a straight line to the centre of the bridge over the
creek at Aubert's fording on the Rocky Spring road ;
thence with a straight line to the junction of the
county road leading past Charles T. F. Howard's with
the road leading to Parson's (formerly Getzendanner's)
mill; thence with said road in its centre to the mouth
of the lane leading to Frederick and Ernmittsburg
turnpike; thence from the mouth of said lane with a
straight line to the boundary of the Lewistown elec-
tion district at its intersection with the county road
Metes and
leading by and from D. Lunday's limekilns to the
Frederick and Emmittsburg turnpike; thence from
said intersection in a northwesterly direction with the
dividing line between Frederick election district num-
ber two and Lewistown district number twenty to the
first mentioned place of beginning on the Catoctin
mountain, said election district to be called Tuscarora
district or election district number twenty-one.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the place of hold-
Place of hold
ing elections in said Tuscarora district or election dis-
ding election.
trict number twenty-one shall be Brookville.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That there shall be ap-
pointed by the property authority two justices of the
peace and two county constables and a register of
voters for the said Tuscarora district or election dis-
trict number twenty-one:
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 31, 1884.