adopted by the by-laws of said company; and the
board of directors may meet as often as may be neces-
sary for the transaction of the business of the company.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the company hereby
incorporated shall have power, with the consent of the
county commissioners of the respective counties men-
tioned in this section, and of the municipal authorities
of any incorporated town or village having charge and
control of the roads, lanes, alleys and streets, along
and upon which it may erect its poles and construct
Construct tele-
its lines, shall have power to make and construct tele-
phone lines.
phone lines, and to establish connections by telephone,
between any of the towns, villages and hamlets in the
respective counties, comprising the Eastern Shore of
Maryland, and between any other points the said
company may select, and to establish offices for the
receiving and sending messages over the routes of its
several lines.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the directors of
said company shall have power to adopt such by-laws,
Adopt by-laws,
rules and regulations for the direction and manage-
ment of said company, as may in their judgment be
necessary for the purposes of their incorporation, not
inconsistent with the provisions of this charter and the
laws and constitution of this state; and the president
and directors of said company, or a majority of them,
shall constitute, appoint and employ such officers,
agents and servants for the construction, preservation
Employ officers
and repair of said telephone lines, and for the receipt
and agents etc.
and collection of bills for messages, and the transac-
tion of all other business of said company, as in their
judgment may be necessary; and to take and accept
bonds from such officers, agents and servants in such
penalty as the said directors may designate, condi-
tioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of the
said officers, agents and servants respectively.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
named in this act, and the president and directors of
said company, be and they are hereby authorized to
receive and accept in payment of any subscription to
What to accept
in payment.
the capital stock of said company, any line or lines of
telephone already erected and constructed, the poles,
wires, insulators and batteries belonging to same, at
such price as may be agreed upon between the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, or by the direc-
tors of said company, or a majority of them, and the