SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That in case joint fences
are not made and kept in repair, according to the pro-
visions of this act, it shall be also lawful for the party
aggrieved, or likely to be injured, instead of pursuing
the remedy above alluded to, to discontinue the said
fence, by giving three months' notice in manner afore-
said; and in all other cases, unless by mutual consent,
twelve months shall be required to discontinue any
joint fence.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That whenever any per-
son or persons shall, under and by virtue of this act,
or any laws of this state, be summoned or called upon
to value and assess the damages done upon any enclos-
ure in the aforementioned district, by trespassing live
stock of any kind or description whatever, the said
Value and as-
sess damages.
person or persons so valuing or assessing the said dam-
ages shall inspect and examine into the state and con-
dition of the enclosure of the land upon which the
said trespass or damage shall have been, alleged to
have been done or committed; and if said enclosure
shall not be such as hereinbefore described, he or they
shall not make out any award or assess any damage
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That in all cases of action
for trespass, quare clausun freget, or legal proceedings
of any kind hereafter to be sued out or commenced
in the district herein provided for to recover damages
for trespass upon land by any kind or description of
live stock, the defendant or defendants may plead the
Damages — how
general issue, and give the special matter in evidence,
tinder this act; and the plaintiff or plaintiffs, in each
and every suit, shall be non suited and mulcted in
cost, whenever it shall be clearly proven, by legal and
competent testimony, that the land, wherever the said
trespass was committed, was not enclosed according to
the provisions of this act.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the judgment, as-
sessment and report of the two persons hereinbefore
provided for, to be appointed by the justice of the
peace, shall in no case be taken and held to be con-
Bight to pro-
clusive and final; but either party on trial shall be at
duce witnesses
liberty and have the right to produce witnesses to
maintain or controvert all matters at issue in the case,
and the court, before which the case is to be determ-
ined, shall give such judgment, upon all the evidence,
as may seem right and proper, and nothing in this