Chapter 110.
AN ACT to authorize the Governor to appoint two
additional Justices of the Peace for the ninth elec-
tion district of Baltimore county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the governor be and is hereby
authorized and empowered to appoint two justices of
Appoint two
the peace in and for the ninth election district of
justices of the
Baltimore county, the first of whom shall be for the
first precinct of said district, and the second of whom
shall be for the third precinct of said district.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 20, 1854.
Chapter 111.
AN ACT to refund to William Coulbourn of I., late
collector of taxes for Somerset county, the sum of
sixty-nine dollars and thirty-four cents, for money
paid into the treasury of the state in excess of the
amounts due by him to the state for state taxes for
eighteen hundred and seventy-six and eighteen
hundred and seventy-seven.
WHEREAS it appears by the books of the treasury
department of the State of Maryland that William
Coulbourn of I. has paid into the treasury of the
state the sum of sixty-nine dollars and thirty-four
cents in excess of the amount due by him for state
taxes for eighteen hundred and seventy-six and eigh-
teen hundred and seventy-seven for Somerset county ;
and, whereas, the treasurer and comptroller of the
state have recommended the passage of a law refund-
ing the said sum of money to said collector; there-
fore —