SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That for the purpose of preserving
order, enforcing the rules and regulations of said cor-
poration not inconsistent with the laws of this state,
and the protection of property, the several justices of
Establish con-
stabulary force.
the peace in Harford county be and they are hereby
authorized and empowered, upon the request of the
president of the board of directors of said association,
to summon and detail, in the name of the State of
Maryland, such constabulary force as the president of
said society may deem sufficient for the perfect preser-
vation of peace and order, the protection of property,
and the full enforcement of the rules and regulations
aforesaid, during any fair or exhibition of said corpo-
ration, and upon and around the grounds belonging to
Powers of con-
or controlled by the same, which detailed force afore-
said shall have and exercise the same powers and
authority as the several constables in this state now
have as conservators of the peace.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or per-
sons who shall knowingly and wilfully violate any of
the provisions of this act, or any of the by-laws, rules,
regulations or other enactments of the said association
not inconsistent with the laws of this state, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
Penalty for vio-
lating provision
thereof before any justice of the peace of said county,
each and every person so offending shall be fined by
said justice of the peace a sum not less than one dol-
lar nor more than five dollars for the first offence, and
not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars
for each and every offence committed thereafter; and
upon the failure of any persons to pay the said fines,
together with all the cost attending their arrest and
Commit until
fine is paid.
conviction, the justice of the peace before whom the
same be tried shall commit them to the county jail in
said county until the said fine and costs are paid.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all fines imposed
and collected under and in accordance with this act
shall be paid to the treasurer of the board of school
Fines? how
disposed of.
commissioners of Harford county, for the use and
benefit of the public schools in said county.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all persons sum-
moned and detailed in accordance with the first sec-
tion of this act, shall be known, recognized and re-
How known
and recognized
spected as " special constables," and shall have full
power, authority and jurisdiction in the discharge of