so small that all lines of work prescribed by the law could not of neces-
sity be taken up, its field of operations from the first being limited to
special investigations relating particularly to the conditions of labor
in the state and to those industrial statistics which especially refer to
the wage-earners.
Reports have been made by the Bureau upon the public roads and
the importance of their more systematic construction, also upon the
coal statistics of the western counties. The last statement embraces a
description of the George's Creek Basin and the conditions of coal
production, together with tables showing the shipments from Mary-
land mines and a " Table of the Strata of the Potomac and George's
Creek Coal Basin. " Five annual reports have been prepared for the
years 1893-97.
THE BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION. —The Bureau of Immigration was
organized by the General Assembly of 1896l and is intended to supply
information to people without the state regarding the desirability of
Maryland as a place of residence. Already much active work has
been done along these lines, and a report upon the material advant-
ages of Maryland has been published. This report, which is entitled
" The State of Maryland: the Advantages it offers to Immigrants,
especially Farmers, Manufacturers and Capitalists, " contains a brief
description of the physical features of the state, including the physio-
graphy, climate and mineral resources, based largely upon the state-
ments contained in the World's Fair Book.
The U. S. Geological Survey, which was organized in 1879 by the
consolidation of existing surveys, initiated work in Maryland in 1883.
The investigations of that year embraced a geologic reconnaissance
of a portion of the state, but attention was directed more particularly
in the beginning to the preparation of a topographic map of the region
1 Laws of Maryland, 1896, Chapter 295.
2 Prepared under the supervision of the Director of the U. S. Geological