American stratigraphy. Several contributions were made to scientific
journals as the result of his investigation. In his volume of travels
in America, which was published in 1845, he gives also an account of
his observations among the Carboniferous rocks of the Cumberland-
Frostburg area and a list of the fossil plants which he found. In this
volume there is a geological map of the United States in which the
geology of Maryland is given upon a very small scale. The fossil
plants collected by Mr. Lyell were described and figured by Mr.
Bunbury in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of
London. 1
The discovery of microscopic forms in the Tertiary deposits of
Maryland and Virginia began to attract attention at this period and
articles were contributed by J. W. Bailey2 and C. G. Ehrenberg3 upon
the subject.
The exhaustive investigations of Professor James Hall of Albany,
N. Y., upon the Paleozoic fossils of that state led him early to the
study of similar material in adjacent states. In connection with this
work large collections of Paleozoic fossils from western Maryland
were obtained and descriptions and figures of numerous species from
Cumberland and vicinity appeared already in Volume 1 of the Paleon-
tology of the State of New York, which was published in 1847.
The discovery of gold in Montgomery county in 1849 and its exhi-
bition that year before the American Philosophical Society led to
several descriptions' of the deposits in scientific publications.
During the second decade of this period Professor H. D. Rogers,
the State Geologist of Pennsylvania, conducted investigations along
the borders of that state that were of much value in determining the
classification and distribution of the geological formations represented
in central and western Maryland. The final report of this survey
appeared in 1858 and is still an important source of information.
1 Vol. ii, 1846, pp. 82-91.
2 Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. xlvi, 1844, pp. 137-141; ibid. vol. xlviii, 1845, pp.
321-343; ibid. 2 ser., vol. vii, 1849, p. 437; ibid. 2 ser., vol. xi, 1851, pp. 85-86.
3 Bericht. d. k. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, 1844, pp. 57-97.
4 Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., vol. iv, 1851, pp. 20-22; Proc. Amer, Phil.
Soc., vol. v, 1854, p. 85.