Bowen, Eman., 346, 350, 351.
Boyd, C, H., 118.
Boyd, E. F., 382.
Boyle, C. B., 317.
Bradley, F. H., 382, 393.
Brantly, W. T., 288.
Brickmaking, 47, 48.
Brock, R. A., 294.
Bromley, G. W. and W. S., 390, 399.
Brongniart, Alex., 243.
Brooks, W. K., 84.
Brown, J. P., 370.
Brown, Thomas, 284, 285J 290.
Browne, Wm. Hand, 17, 306, 322.
Bruff, J. G., 376.
Bryan, O. N., 303.
Bnache, 346.
Buch, Leopold von, 370.
Building and decorative stones, 33,
Bunbury, C. J. F., 67, 260.
Bureau of Immigration, 95.
Bureau of Industrial Statistics, 94.
Burnaby, Andrew, 235.
Burnham, S. M., 288.
Byrd, Wm., 234, 344.
Byrens, Daniel, 242.
Cain, Peter, 282.
Cambrian, 169, 176.
Camp, John de la, 374.
Campanius, Johan, 339.
Carboniferous, 184.
Carey, M., 236, 362.
Carlisle, John G., 433.
Carpenter, George W., 241.
Carruthers, Wm., 275.
Cary, John, 361.
Catoctin schist, 175.
Chamberlin, Thos. C., 306.
Chambers, E. F., 239.
Champlain, 334.
Chatard, T. M., 102.
Chaulaire, P. G., 361.
Chesapeake Bay, 23, 45, 46, 47, 126,
127, 130, 132, 136, 136, 138, 14G,
147, 157, 204.
Chesapeake formation, 197.
Chester, F. D., 82, 288, 290, 294, 296,
306, 389,. 392.
Chlorite schist, 213.
Chrome, 226.
Churchman, J., 353.
Clark, W. B., 5, 7, 21, 43, 86, 87, 88,
89, 90, 91, 106, 107, 109, 111, 300,
303, 306, 309, 313, 316, 317, 321,
322, 325, 328, 329, 393, 399, 406,
Clarke, F. W., 102, 290, 294, 29C, 303,
306, 309, 313, 317.
Clarke, J. M., 300.
Clays, 34, 214.
Cleaveland, Parker, 55, 237, 238.
Clemson, Thos. G., 247.
Clerk, F. L., 288.
Coals, 35, 219.
Coastal plain, 104, 143, 145, 157, 188.
Cole, Wm. E., 272.
Colom, Jacob, 336.
Colton, 388.
Columbia formation, 199.
Columbus, Christo'pher, 407, 408.
Commission, meeting of, 25.
Commission, resolutions passed by,
Conrad, T. A., 56, 65, 66, 80, 243, 244,
247, 248, 249, 253, 254, 255, 256,
257, 259, 261, 265, 270, 271, 272,
Cook, George H., 288.
Cook, K. S., 296.
Cope, E. D., 80, 273, 274.
Copper, 51, 226.
Cornelius, Elias, 54, 238.
Coronelli, Vincenzo, 338.
Couder, Thos., 354.
County resources, study of, 37.
Courtenay, E. H., 248, 251.
Credner, H., 80, 275, 379.
Cresap, Thos., 346.
Cretaceous, 191.
Crexius, Pere du, 336.
Crystalline limestone, 170.
Daddow, S. H., 273, 378.
Ball, W. H., 112, 306, 313, 393.
Dalrymple, J., 347.
Dana, E. S., 313.
Dana, J. D., 284, 325.
Daniel, R, 233, 338.
D'Anville, 345, 347, 348, 350, 351, 355.
Darton, N. H., 101, 104, 106, 107, 108,
109, 112, 115, 309, 317, 322, 329,
393, 395, 396, 397, 398, 400.
Daubeny, Chas., 253.