11. HURLOCK, DORCHESTER COUNTY.—Directly in front of frame school-
house on the right-hand side of road to East Newmarket; near the road.
Soil, sandy.
3. LA PLATA, CHARLES COUNTY.—In the northwest corner of new court
house grounds, 40 feet southeast of northwest corner-stone of lot and 28
feet south of locust (?) tree and 49 paces northwest of northwest corner of
new court house just nearing completion. Marked by an oak stub with a
brass screw. There was no fence around the lot at this time and the sta-
tion may possibly fall in that portion of the lot to be set aside as a road.
Soil, sandy.
[In 1897 the wooden fence around the grounds was partly constructed
and it was found that the old station fell in the line of the west fence.
The new station is the south meridian monument.]
6. LEONARDTOWN, ST. MARY'S COUNTY.—In the southwest corner of the
court house lot, 92 feet from southwest corner of court house and 23% feet
from southwest corner post of wooden fence. Soil, sand and loam.
fessor M. H. Doolittle's rear garden, 94.1 feet northwest of northeast corner
of frame dwelling house and 84.1 feet northeast of northwest corner of same
house. Station is marked by a brass screw in a 2"x4"x2 1/2' yellow pine
stub projecting four inches above ground. The primary azimuth mark was
the extreme tip of the Chevy Chase standpipe, three miles distant, azimuth
39° 15'.,7 W. of S. The secondary azimuth mark was the extreme tip of tower
on Major Lawrence's house about 200 yards distant, azimuth 66° 46'.8 W. of S.
The station is to be marked by a granite post suitably lettered.
1A. LINDEN, MONTGOMERY COUNTY.—In large vacant lot back of base sta-
tion; about 300 paces nearly due north of base station, 34 feet north of fence
of Dr. Wright's Sanatarium and 44 feet southeast of the stile.
9. MASSEY, KENT COUNTY.—On the north side of road to Clayton near
small school-house, about one mile from railroad station; 121 feet north-
northwest of northwest corner of school-house.
MARLBORO.—See Upper Marlboro.
5. MECHANICSVILLE, ST. MARY'S COUNTY.—In the garden of Hotel Mat-
tingly, 18 feet northeast of mulberry tree and 9 1/2 feet west of wooden fence.
Dip station 5 1/2 feet north of mulberry tree. Soil, sand and loam.
14. OAKLAND, GARRETT COUNTY.—In the lot back of new public school,
60 paces north of school, 20 paces from east board fence, 16 paces east of
oak tree along west fence and 17 paces southwest of large oak tree near
north fence.
12. OCEAN CITY, WORCESTER COUNTY.—Near Life Saving Station, 200 paces
north and 200 paces west, in large, open, sandy area north of Bruce Cottage,
northeast of school-house, between Baltimore and Philadelphia Avenues.
18. PARSONSBURG, WICOMICO COUNTY.—In open lot, 170 paces south of
Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic railroad station. Lot owned by pro-
prietor of saw mill opposite station. Soil, black clay. Natural gas in