deposits will be carefully located, so that further development of them
may be anticipated.
MINERAL WATERS. —Mineral waters in considerable variety issue at
many points from the Maryland rocks. The great diversity in the
geological formations and their different chemical composition have
an intimate relationship to the varying character of these waters. It
will be one of the objects of the State Geological Survey to investigate
the mineral waters and to call the attention of the people at large to
their occurrence and value.
MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS. —There are many miscellaneous mineral
products in Maryland which are not known to-day to occur in suffi-
ciently large quantities to be advantageously worked, although many
of them have in the past been of economic value. Among these
products may be mentioned copper, chrome, lead and zinc ores, asbes-
tos, mica, amber and graphite, while traces of other substances, in-
cluding manganese and antimony, have been observed. It is not im-
probable that as investigations proceed larger deposits of these
substances may be detected which may come to have considerable com-
mercial importance to the state. The geological formations of Mary-
land will be subjected to careful examination by the State Survey,
and everything that appears to have a possible economic value will be
fully looked into, with the anticipation that still other products of
commercial utility may be detected.
There are many advantages to be found in considering the resources
of each county collectively. In the first place the work can be done
in much more detail than would be desirable when considering each
product as a whole in its general distribution throughout the state,
while the bringing together of the several resources of a small division
like that of the county would show, as would not be possible by any
other method, the natural wealth of a specified district. The physio-
graphic and climatic conditions of each county will be considered in
the accounts which will be prepared as well as the geology and mineral
resources, so that the reports when finished will afford a complete