ried upon the books of said Utilities Commission in an ac-
count to be known as "Reserve for the Payment of Interest
on Invested Capital, and to this account each year shall be
added the operating profits that may accrue to the electric
department, and from it shall be deducted the operating
losses should any occur in said department, and the annual
payment to the general funds of- the Mayor and Council of
Easton in the amount of $11, 250.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1st, 1933.
Approved April 21, 1933.
AN ACT to authorize and empower "The Commissioners of
Vienna" Dorchester County, Maryland, to construct, own,
maintain, and operate a water supply system, and a
sewerage or disposal system for the town of Vienna,
Maryland, and to borrow money on the faith and credit
of the said town for the purpose of such construction,
and to issue bonds for the payment of the same, and to
levy taxes and assessments for the redemption of the
said bonds and the payment of interest, and to make
charges and rates for the operation, maintenance, regula-
tion, and control of the said water supply system and
sewerage or disposal system, and to provide for the right
to purchase and condemn property.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That "The Commissioners of Vienna, " be, and
they are hereby, authorized and empowered to design, con-
struct, equip, and own a water supply system and sewerage
or disposal system for the Town of Vienna, Maryland, in-
cluding wells, intakes, purification works, reservoirs, pump-
ing station, elevated tanks, distribution mains, water pipe
lines, sewerage pipe lines, and disposal plant, and all re-
quired appurtenances both within and without the corpor-
ate limits of the said Town, as "The Commissioners of
Vienna" may deem necessary; to maintain and operate the
said systems, to purchase or condemn whatever property,
rights of way, water rights or other facilities that may be
required; and to do all other corporate acts, including the