low Section 6 of said Article, making admissible as evi-
dence in certain proceedings the previous conviction of
another person or corporation of the same offense.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be, and it is hereby, added to
Article 35 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, title "Evi-
dence, " said new section to be known as Section 6A, im-
mediately to follow Section 6 of said Article, and to read
as follows:
6A. If any person or corporation charged with commit-
ting any crime is found guilty thereof, such fact shall be
admissible as evidence in any proceeding, criminal or civil,
in which another person, firm or corporation shall be
charged with committing the same crime or act.
Approved April 21, 1933.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 77 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), title "Public
Education, " sub-title "Free Scholarships, " said new sec-
tion to be known as Section 257A and to follow immedi-
ately after Section 257 of said Article, relating to the
method of awarding free scholarships to certain educa-
tional institutions from Baltimore City and Kent, Queen
Anne's and Dorchester Counties, and repealing all laws
inconsistent therewith.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be and it is hereby added to
Article 77 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1924 Edi-
tion), title "Public Education, " sub-title "Free Scholar-
ships, " said new section to be known as Section 257A, to
follow immediately after Section 257 of said Article, and
to read as follows:
257A. All scholarships to Blue Ridge College, Charlotte
Hall, Maryland Institute, St. John's College, St. Mary's Fe-
male Seminary, Washington College and Western Mary-
land College, to which the Senatorial Districts of Baltimore
City and Kent, Queen Anne's and Dorchester Counties are