Since the adjournment of the Legislature I have been
advised that as a result of the passage of the salary reduc-
tion bills, all of the above officials, both those covered by the
bills and those not covered, have agreed in writing to accept
an immediate straight ten per cent reduction in their sal-
aries for two years, and this means a considerably larger
saving to the taxpayers of the county than the saving which
would result from the approval of the bills in question, and
has the further advantage of applying uniformly and equit-
ably to all the county officials above mentioned.
Because of this agreement, I have been requested by the
members of the Allegany County Delegation in the House,
joined in by the State Senator from the County, to veto the
above mentioned salary reduction bills, so that the agree-
ment entered into by the various county officials may be
carried out instead.
I will comply with this request from the representatives
of Allegany County in the Legislature, and veto the above
mentioned bills.
Chapter 504, House Bill 462, reducing the per diem of
the Judges and Clerks of Election, and Chapter 144, House
Bill 419, decreasing the compensation previously paid the
Tax Collector of the First Tax Collection District, who is
on a commission basis, will be signed.
(Chapter 517, House Bill 504.)
This bill provides that evidence of the failure of a motor
vehicle driver to stop on command of any officer shall not
be admissible unless such officer was in uniform and dis-
playing his badge of authority at the time.
This subject is hardly one for mandatory legislation and
the bill will be vetoed.
(Chapter 510, House Bill 525.)
The present law governing auctioneers in Baltimore City
has been construed by two Attorneys General to prohibit
the granting of auctioneers' licenses in Baltimore to anyone
who is not a resident of Baltimore City. The county laws,
however, do not prohibit the granting of county licenses to
residents of other counties or of Baltimore City, and Balti-