the district or area be within the municipality. After such
hearing the Commission may transmit the plat, as origi-
nally made or modified as may be determined by the Com-
mission, to council, together with the commission's esti-
mate of the time or times within which the lands shown on
the plat as street locations should be acquired by the mu-
nicipality. Thereupon by resolution, council may approve
and adopt or may reject such plat or may modify it with
the approval of the Planning Commission, or, in the event
of the Planning Commission's disapproval, council may,
by a favorable vote of not less than two-thirds of its entire
membership, modify such plat and adopt the modified plat.
In the resolution of adoption of a plat council shall fix the
period of time for which the street locations shown upon
the plat shall be deemed reserved for future taking or
acquisition for public use. Upon such adoption the clerk
of council shall transmit one attested copy of the plat to
the county recorder of each county in which the platted
land is located and retain one copy for the purpose of pub-
lic examination. Such approval and adoption of a plat
shall not, however, be deemed the opening or establish-
ment of any street, nor the taking of any land for street
purposes, nor for public use, nor as a public improvement,
but solely as a reservation of the street locations shown
thereon, for future taking or acquisition for public use.
The Commission may, at any time, negotiate for or secure
from the owner or owners of any such lands releases of
claims for damages or compensation for such reservations
or agreements indemnifying the municipality from such
claims by others, which releases or agreements shall be
binding upon the owner or owners executing the same and
their successors in title. At any time after the filing of a
plat with the county recorder, and during the period speci-
fied for the reservation, the Planning Commission and the
owner of any land containing a reserved street location
may agree upon a modification of the location of the lines
of the proposed street, such agreement to include a release
by said owner of any claim for compensation or damages
by reason of such modification; and thereupon the Com-
mission may make a plat corresponding to the said modi-
fication and transmit same to council; and if such modified
plat be approved by council, the clerk of council shall trans-
mit an attested copy thereof to the said county recorder
or recorders, and said modified plat shall take the place of
the original plat. At any time council may, by resolution,
abandon any reservation and shall certify any such aban-
donment to the said county recorder or recorders.