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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1337   View pdf image (33K)
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a council shall have adopted a major street plan of the ter-
ritory within its subdivision jurisdiction or part thereof,
and shall have filed a certified copy of such plan in the
office of the county clerk of the county in which such terri-
tory or part is located, then no plat of a subdivision of
land within such territory or part shall be filed or recorded
until it shall have been approved by the Planning Commis-
sion and such approval entered in writing on the plat by
the chairman or secretary of the Commission.

the powers referred to in Section 16, the Planning Commis-
sion shall prepare regulations governing the subdivision
of land within its jurisdiction. Such regulations may pro-
vide for the proper arrangement of streets, in relation to
other existing planned streets and to the master plan, for
adequate and convenient open spaces for traffics, utilities,
access of fire-fighting apparatus, recreation, light and air,
and for the avoidance of congestion of population, includ-
ing minimum width and area of lots.

Such regulations may include provision as to the extent
to which streets and other ways shall "be graded and im-
proved and to which water and sewer and other utility
mains, piping, or other facilities shall be installed as a con-
dition precedent to the approval of the plat. The regula-
tions or practice of the Commission may provide for a
tentative approval of the plat previous to such installation;
but any such tentative approval shall be revocable and
shall not be entered on the plat. In lieu of the completion
of such improvements and utilities prior to the final ap-
proval of the plat, the Commission may accept a bond with
surety to secure to the municipality the actual construc-
tion and installation of such improvements or utilities at a
time and according to specifications fixed by or in accord-
ance with the regulations of the Commission. The mu-
nicipality is hereby granted the power to enforce such bond
by all appropriate legal and equitable remedies.

Before any regulations shall be submitted to council for
adoption a public hearing shall be held thereon and all such
regulations, or, if in the opinion of the Commission it is
best, a brief synopsis of such regulations, sufficient to in-
form a person of ordinary intelligence of the mature and
contents of such regulations, together with the time and
place of such public hearing, shall be published once or
more," if the Commission deems best, in a daily newspaper
published and in general circulation in such city and


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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1337   View pdf image (33K)
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