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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1327   View pdf image (33K)
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plats of territory within the jurisdiction of the commis-
sion ; to authorize the commission to prepare and promul-
gate regulations with respect to the control of such sub-
divisions and define the scope of such regulations and
empower the commission to approve or disapprove sub-
division plats; to prohibit the transfer of lots in unap-
proved subdivisions and prevent the recording of plats
of subdivisions until the same shall have been approved
by the commission; to provide for the preparation and
adoption of official maps of municipalities and prescribe
the effect of such maps; to limit and restrict the granting
of permits for buildings in the bed of mapped streets and
municipal improvements in such streets; to empower the
legislative body to pass ordinances for the enforcement
of this Act and provide penalties for the violation of this
Act or any ordinance passed in pursuance of the au-
thoiity granted herein; to provide for conflict with other
existing laws or ordinances and for the invalidity of any
provision of this Act.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, as follows:

1. DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this Act certain
terms are defined as provided in this section. Whenever
appropriate the singular includes the plural and the plural
includes the singular. "Municipality" or "municipal" in-
cludes or relates to counties, towns, villages or other incor-
porated political subdivisions. "Mayor" means the chief
executive of the political subdivision, whether the official
designation of his office be Mayor, City Manager or other-
wise. "Council" means the chief legislative body of the
political subdivision. The term "streets" includes streets,
avenues, boulevards, roads, lanes, alleys, viaducts and other
public ways. "Subdivision" means the division of a lot,
tract, or parcel of land into two or more lots, plats, sites,
or other divisions of land for the purpose, whether immedi-
ate or future, of sale or of building development. It in-
cludes re-subdivision and, when appropriate to the context,
relates to the process of subdividing or to the land or ter-
ritory subdivided.


nicipality is hereby authorized and empowered to make,


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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1327   View pdf image (33K)
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