Resolved, That the Comptroller of the Treasury
he, and he is hereby directed to draw his warrant
on the Treasurer for the amount of expenses incur-
red in this proceeding, which may be certified to
him by the Governor.
Resolved, That the Court of Appeals be request-
ed to give the case thus brought before them, an
immediate hearing.
No. 5.
Assented to
Feb. 8, 1866.
WHEREAS, In the year sixteen hundred ninety-eight,
James Keech was appointed Presiding Justice of
the Provincial Court of Maryland, and his com-
mission with the seal attached; is among the^re-
cords in Annapolis, and the descendants of the
said James Keech are desirous for leave to with-
draw the same; Therefore,
Be it resolvedly the General Assembly of Maryland,
That C. Smith Keech have leave to withdraw from
the said records in Annapolis, the said commission
and seal of the aforesaid James Keech.
No. 6.
Joint Resolutions.
Assented to
Feb. 8, 1866.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates of
the State Maryland, That this General Assembly
cordially endorses the reconstruction policy of Pre-