office, and shall he confirmed by said court at its
next session, if no cause be shown to the contrary,
but if set aside, the said court may direct another
inquisition to be taken in the manner above pre-
scribed, and such inquisition shall describe the
property taken by metes and bounds, and the valu-
ation when paid or tendered by the company, shall
entitle said company to the use and occupation
during their corporate existence, and if the valua-
tion shall not be received when tendered, it may be
received any time afterwards, and all the expenses
incurred by said inquisition shall be paid by the
said company.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the said
company shall at their own costs and expense erect
and maintain good and substantial bridges over
and across said canal wherever it crosses any pub-
lic road or street, and also where it crosses any
private roads, should they, by the agreement with
the owners of any real estate agree so to do, or
should the company by the verdict of any jury duly
authorized, be required so to do.
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That it is and
may be lawful for the said company to levy, demand
and receive all such tolls not exceeding eighty per
cent, of the maximum charges authorized to be
charged by the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com-
pany, as a majority of the Directors at any regular
meeting shall assess upon all vessels, either empty
or containing freight, and upon all goods, chattels
and freight of any kind carried through said canal,
and upon all rafts of timber and crafts navigating
said canal, subject however to the right of the Gen-
eral Assembly of the State of Maryland to increase
or reduce said tolls.
Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That if any
person commanding or directing any vessel, upon
the Canal, shall wantonly or negligently obstruct
or impede the navigation thereof, or any other
person maliciously injure the Locks, Bridges, Ba-
sins, or any of the property of said corporation,
shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and liable
to be sued in any court of the State, or of the
United States having jurisdiction thereof in a pen-
alty of not less than fifty dollars.