At an Extra Session of the General Assembly of Maryland,
begun and held at the City of Annapolis, on the 10th day of
January, 1866, His Excellency, THOMAS SWANN, being
Governor, the following Laws were enacted, to wit:
AN ACT, authorizing the Mayor and City Council
Passed Jan..
29, 1860.
of Baltimore to build a new City Hall.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That for the purpose of building a
to issue bonds.
City Hall and such other improvements connected
therewith as may be deemed necessary, the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, be and they
are hereby empowered to issue city bonds in certi-
ficates of not less than one hundred dollars each,
redeemable in fifteen years, and bearing interest of
six per centum per annum, payable quarterly, and
transferable as other city bonds, to an amount not
exceeding six hundred thousand dollars, and shall
provide a, sinking fund of two cents on every hun-