ments, damages and expenses in the following pro-
portions, that is to say: all pertaining to the build-
ing of the bridge to be paid by the State of Mary-
land, and also, one-half of the additional expenses
for grading, curbing, paving of said street or road,
and for which purpose the sum of five thousand
dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, is
hereby appropriated, and the other part to be paid
by the owners of property on the line of said road
or within the county, and adjacent thereto in the
city of Baltimore, the owners of which the said
commissioners shall adjudge to be benefited by said
improvements, apportioning them in just propor-
tion, according to the value of the benefit, which
in the estimation of said commissioners will accrue
to each of said owners, and. the survey, plat and
assessments of damages, and benefits, when com-
pleted shall be returned to the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore county, and any persons deem-
ing themselves aggrieved by said return and pro-
ceedings, shall have a hearing before the County
Commissioners, on a day to be named by said
County Commissioners, of which place and time,
official notice shall be given to any such aggrieved
parties, by the Clerk of the Commissioners, at
least one week before the day of meeting of the
commissioners, and the said County Commissioners
shall have power to increase or diminish the assess-
ment of damages or benefits according to their
judgment upon hearing, and then proceed to ratify
and confirm said return, and cause the same to be
filed for record, among the public records of Bal-
timore county, in the office of the Clerk of the Cir-
cuit Court for said county.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That any person who
may be dissatisfied with said return, may within
twenty days after the filing of said corrected plots
and assessments, appeal from said decision to the
Circuit Court for Baltimore county, who shall have
power to review the same and the parties appeal-
ing shall have the right of a jury trial, and the
court is hereby authorized and directed to hear
said appeal within thirty days after the expi-
ration of the time limited for said appeal as
above stated, and finally adjudge and decide the
Right of ap-