of stock of any corporation actually engaged in the busi-
ness of manufacturing in Baltimore city, or in any county
where the tools and machinery of manufacturers have
been exempted from county taxation as assessed for State
taxation, a proportionate amount of the value of the tools
and machinery owned by said corporation.....................
No. 343. An act to make an additional Constable in the
second election district of Caroline county, whose resi-
dence shall be in the town of Ridgely.........................
No. 344. An act to authorize and direct the Comptroller of
the Treasury to pay to the public schools the sum of thirty-
four thousand and sixty-nine dollars and thirty-six cent's,
due to the public school fund for the year eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-seven.............................................
No. 345. An act to repeal chapter four hundred and twenty-
five of the acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
passed at the January session, eighteen hundred and sev-
enty-four, entitled, "An act to add certain sub-sections to
article nineteen of the Code of Public Local Laws, en-
titled ' Somerset county,' under sub-title ' Licenses,' and
to repeal section one hundred and thirty-eight of the said
article, entitled 'Somerset county,' under sub-titie 'Re-
tailers,' " so far only as said act refers to Fairmount dis-
trict, number six, therein mentioned, and to re-enact the
following in lieu thereof, to refer only to Fairmount dis-
trict ....................................................................
No. 346. An act to authorize and enable Wm. J. Thomas,
proprietor of the wharf at the foot of High street, Cam-
bridge, Dorchester county, to extend and enlarge the same.
No. 348. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of
Cecil county to refund to Ann E. R. Bennett, guardian to
George N. Bennett, an infant of Cecil county, certain
sums of money erroneously paid into the county treasury.
No. 349. An act to refund to Ann E. R. Bennett, of Cecil
county, certain sums of money erroneously paid into the
T re as n ry .............................................................
No. 350. An act to add a sub-section to section ten of the
act of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, chapter one
hundred and forty-three, entitled "An act, to repeal the
act of eighteen hundred and sixty, chapter three hundred
and fifty-nine, which incorporated the Baltimore and Lit-