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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 788   View pdf image (33K)
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that in drawing the jurors for the December term


of the Circuit Court for said county, the twenty-


five names required shall be taken from those


remaining in the box after the drawing for the


preceding September term, six to be drawn from


the compartment for district number two, and


one from each of the other compartments; and


no name which may be so drawn to serve as juror


in Frederick county at any term of court shall be

for two years.

replaced in said box for the period of two years


thereafter, and said names so drawn in Baltimore


and Frederick counties shall be recorded as here-


inbefore directed for the other counties, and there-


upon said judges shall forthwith order a venire


facias, directed to the sheriff of the said counties


respectively, commanding them to summon as


jurors to attend at the next ensuing term of said


courts, the several persons whose names may be


drawn as aforesaid; and if any such persons


whose names are so drawn and embraced in

Unable to

said venire facias should be dead, sick or otherwise


unable to attend, or should be absent and there-


fore not to be found, it shall be the duty of said


sheriff forthwith to return the fact of such death,


disability or absence, and the said judges shall


thereupon cause to be drawn from said box, in

Draw other

the manner hereinbefore directed, other names in


the place and stead of the original who may be


dead, disabled or absent, and shall cause the name


or names of such person or persons, so as last


aforesaid drawn, to be inserted in the said venire


facias to be summoned as aforesaid, and it shall


be the duty of the sheriff to summon the persons


named in said venire facias, and make return there-


of to the said court at the opening of its session ;


this section shall not apply to Prince George's




Approved May 3, 1882.

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 788   View pdf image (33K)
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