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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 782   View pdf image (33K)
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sell, grant, mortgage, lease and dispoise of, in its


discretion, and at its will and pleasure, and execute,

What to deal

acknowledge and deliver all deeds and legal papers,


and any instruments concerning the same; to deal


in exchange, foreign and domestic, and in every


and all descriptions of properties, personal effects,


securities, mortgages, lands, certificates of indebted-


ness, stocks of incorporated companies, notes, loans


or bonds of the United States, or of any city, county


or municipality, or of any incorporated company or


individual; provided that no loan shall be made,


directly or indirecly, to any officer or employee of


the said company and for any violation of this pro-


vision the party or parties making or consenting


thereto, directly or indirectly, shall be liable to said


company for the amount so loaned, and all counsel


fees and losses which may result therefrom.


SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That any officer or


employee of said company who shall apply any of


the deposits of any kind of said company to his use,


or to the use of any person or persons not entitled


thereto, without the consent of the owner of such


deposits, shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement,

What deemed

and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by

guilty of.

imprisonment in the State prison for a term of not


less than one nor more than five years, and shall


be responsible in any suit at law for all counsel fees,


injury, loss, expense or damage incurred by reason


of his prosecution, or in consequence of said act,


either to the company or to any party aggrieved,


damaged or injured thereby.


SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the said company


shall be, and is hereby authorized and empowered

Insure fidelity

to insure the fidelity of persons holding places of


trust or responsibility of any State, corporation, com-


pany, person or persons whatsoever; to endorse for


and to enter security and become security for the


faithful performance of any trust, office, duty, con-


tract or agreement, and to supersede any judgment,


or to go upon any bond for appeal from any order,


judgment or decree of any court of record; and it

Become sure-

is further authorized to become sole surety in all


cases where by law two or more sureties are required


for the faithful performance of any trust or office,


and it shall and may be lawful for any court to


approve said company as sole burety in all such cases.

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 782   View pdf image (33K)
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