Chapter 400.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments
section eighteen of chapter four hundred und
sixty-eight of the acts of January session of eigh-
teen hundred and seventy-eight, referring to the
town of Laurel, Prince George's county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That section eighteen of chapter
Repealed and
four hundred and seventy-eight, referring to the
re enacted.
town of Laurel, Prince George's county, be and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read
as follows :
SECTION 18. And be it enacted, That the com-
missioners may pass ordinances forbidding any
person or persons from carrying fire-arms or other
concealed weapons, and other ordinances not con-
Powers of
trary to law, as they may deem beneficial to the
town; may open and close streets, straighten, widen
and improve the same; make causeways, establish
the width and grade of sidewalks, and pave and set
out shade trees thereon, and all damages done,
suffered or incurred by opening, closing, straight-
ening and widening of said streets, lanes or alleys,
and any benefits or advantage accruing to any person
or persons by such opening, closing, straightening
How deter-
or widening of such streets or alleys, shall be deter-
mined and assessed by three disinterested persons,
residents of said town, to be appointed by said
commissioners, who shall, within twenty days after
notification of their appointment, take an oath before
a justice of the peace within said town that they will
faithfully, fairly and without partiality or prejudice,
value and assess the loss and damage to be suffered and
incurred by, and the benefits to accrue by any person
or persons interested in the property over which the
streets or alley is to be opened, closed, straightened
or widened, or injured or benefited by said opening,
straightening or widening; and they shall give at
Notice to be
least ten days' notice by notices posted in not less
than three public places within said town of the
time and place of meeting for the purpose of exe-
cuting their commission, and they shall, within ten
days after such valuation or assessment, return the