dictment the record of a former conviction, but it
shall be sufficient to allege briefly that said person
or persons, corporation, company or association
had been convicted of a violation of any of the
Amend pro-
provisions of this act; and any such indictment
or proceeding may be amended at any stage of
the proceedings before final judgment, and as a
matter of right.
SEC. 8. And, be it enacted, That all acts or parts of
acts inconsistent with the provisions hereof be
acts repealed.
and the same are hereby repealed.
Approved May 3, 1882.
Chapter 451.
AN ACT to prevent fraud in the manufacture and
sale of Commercial Fertilizers and Bone Dust in
Harford county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That any person, company or
corporation, who shall offer, sell or expose for sale
in Harford county any commercial fertilizer or bone
dust, the price of which exceeds ten dollars a ton,
shall affix to every package, in a conspicuous place
on the outside thereof, a plainly-marked certificate,
stating the number of net pounds in the package
What to set
sold or offered for sale; the name or trade mark
under which the article is sold; the name of the
manufacturer and the place of manufacture, and a
chemical analysis stating the per centage of nitrogen
or its equivalent in ammonia in an available form
of potash, soluble in water, and of phosphoric acid
in an available form (soluble or reverted), as well
as the total phosphoric acid.
SEC. 2. Before any commercial fertilizer or bone
dust is sold, or offered for sale, the manufacturer,
importer or party who causes it to be sold or offered
for sale within Harford county, shall file with the
File certified
clerk to the County Commissioners of Harford
county a certified copy of the certificate mentioned
in the foregoing section of this act, and also an