From the first day of May, eighteen hundred and
eighty-four, and at a like time every four years
thereafter there shall be an election by the quali-
fied voters of Dorchester county of treasurer, whose
term of office shall be for four years, or until his
Vacancy— how
successor shall qualify; and should a vacancy occur
at any time from death, resignation or other cause,
the commissioners shall fill the vacancy by appoint-
ment only till the next period for regular election,
that is to say, for the unexpired portion of the
treasurer's term.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Commission-
ers of Dorchester county shall have power and
Appoint col-
authority, and it shall be their duty, to appoint
some suitable person in each election district of said
county Collector of State and County Taxes for
such district on or before the first Tuesday of May
in each and every year, who shall hold their respect-
ive offices for one year from the said first Tuesday in
May in each year, and until their respective succes-
sors have been duly appointed and qualified; and
it shall not be lawful for the said commissioners
or the local authorities of said county to provide
any fixed annual or other stated compensation or
salary for the collection of either State or county
Per centum
taxes, nor shall said collectors be compensated for
their services otherwise than by a per centum on
the amount of their collections as provided in this
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 6, 1882.