at any time authorized to effect a like consolidation,
and whose road shall form a connected or continuous
line of railroad with the road of the said Worcester
Railroad Company, and that any such consolidation
should be made and effected in the mode therein-
before in said act prescribed for the consolidation of
the Junction and Breakwater Railroad Company,
and the Breakwater and Frankford and Frankford
Railroad Company mentioned in the preceding sec-
tions of said act, and should have the same effect and
be subject to all the restrictions, conditions and
provisions thereinbefore in said act contained,
whether in regard to the preservation of the rights
of creditors and liens, the power of taxation, the
remedy tor objecting stockholders or otherwise how-
soever, and that all the provisions of said act regula-
ting the mode, operation, effect and consequence of
the consolidation of the companies or corporations
in the preceding sections of said act, should belong
to and be in force in regard to any consolidation
provided for by the said section eight, and to any
corporation that may be formed thereby.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall and may
be lawful for the Worcester Railroad Company to
Lawful to con-
consolidate its capital stock, franchises and property
with the capital stock, franchises and property of
the said Junction and Breakwater Railroad Com-
pany, and the Breakwater and Frankford Railroad
Company, or with the capital stock, franchises and
property of the corporation formed by the consolida-
tion of the said two companies, so as to form one
company, and it shall and may be lawful at any
Form one
time for the said three companies, or for the corpor-
ation formed by the said consolidation of the said
three companies to consolidate the capital stock,
franchises and property of the said three companies,
or of the corporation formed by their consolidation
as aforesaid with the capital stock, franchises and
property of any railroad created by the State of
Yirginia, having authority to effect a like consoli-
dation, and whose road shall have a connected or
continuous line of railroad with the road of the said
Worcester Railroad Company.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of
effecting such consolidation, it shall and may be
lawful for the directors of said the Worcester Rail-