Chapter 339.
AN ACT to provide for Repairing and Making
Additions to the Court House in Worcester
SECTION 1.Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the County Commissioners
of Worcester county be and they are hereby author-
ized and directed to levy annually upon the assess-
Levy annually
able property of said county two and a half cents
in the hundred dollars for the period of eight suc-
cessive years, commencing with their next annual
levy after the passage of this act, for the purpose of
repaying the principal and interest of the money
hereinafter directed to be borrowed by said commis-
sioners for repairing and enlarging the court house
For repairing:
and enlarging.
in said county, or for a less number of years, if the
improvements made should not require the whole of
said annual levies.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said county
commissioners be and they are hereby empowered
and directed to borrow, upon the faith of the levies
to borrow.
aforesaid directed to be made, such sum or sums of
money as the building committee hereinafter ap-
pointed shall deem necessary and require of said
county commissioners for such repairs and addi-
tions to said court house, provided that the aggre-
gate amount so borrowed shall not be greater than
the aforesaid annual levies of two and a half cents
in the hundred dollars, will repay in full both of
principal and interest; and the said county com-
missioners are hereby directed, upon the delivery to
them by the lender or lenders of said money of a
certificate of deposit of the money so loaned in some
Baltimore bank, to be by said commissioners desig-
nated, and in the name and subject to the order of
the building committee hereinafter appointed, to
issue bonds to and in the name of the lender or
Issue bonds
lenders of said money, pledging the said county
in name of the
commissioners and their successors in office to the
repayment of the principal and interest of said
money, and the said county commissioners shall also
make each successive annual levy of two and a half
cents in the hundred dollars, payable by the collec-