of the corporation by the stockholder or stockhold-
ers as they or a majority of them may deem best,
and may sell and dispose of any or all the property
of said company.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That said president
and directors, or a majority of them, shall have
Use property
power to make use of the property to be acquired
and owned by said corporation, in accommodating
the business to be brought by or to be transported
over the Western Maryland Railroad, and in furn-
ishing terminal facilities therefor, or may lease the
same to said railroad company for such period or
for such rental, equal to not less than six per centum
upon the whole cost thereof, and upon such terms
and conditions, and subject to such covenants as
may be agreed upon between said corporation,
hereby chartered, and said railroad company.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the Finance
Commissioners of the city of Baltimore, by the
authority of the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
City Council
more, to be declared by its ordinance, may invest
may invest.
any funds in their hands in the purchase of any or
all of the said shares of capital stock, on behalf of
said Mayor and City Council, and all said capital
stock to be held by the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore shall be exempt from taxation by the
State, or in the reversion and ground rent under
any lease or leases to be made by said Western
Maryland Railroad Terminal Company to said West-
ern Maryland Railroad Company.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.
Approved March 30, 1882.