posit or have in his, her, their or its possession, any
spirituous or fermented liquors, or alcoholic bitters, or
Not to be sold
intoxicating liquors of any kind, with intent to sell
or given away.
or give away the same at his, her, their or its place of
business, in violation of law, or with intent that the
same shall be sold or given away by any person, in
violation of law, or in aid of any person or persons
for such purposes; and any person, persons, com-
pany, corporation or association violating the pro-
visions of this section shall be subject to the like
fines and punishments as are prescribed for violation
of the fourth section of this act
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That nothing herein
contained shall be construed to prevent the com-
How to be
pounding or sale of any such liquors for medicinal
purposes by a pharmacist or druggist who shall or
may obtain a license under the license law of the
State, upon the written bona fide prescription of a
regular practicing physician, whose name shall be
signed thereto; and all such prescriptions shall be
filed and kept by the pharmacist or druggist, and no
prescription shall serve for more than one purchase;
but no physician shall make or sign any such pre-
scription unless the person for whom it is made is
actually sick, and such liquor is absolutely required
as a medicine. Any physician who shall, after the
thirtieth day of April, eighteen hundred and eighty-
three, make or sign any prescription for such liquor,
except as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a vio-
lation of this act, and upon conviction thereof shall
be fined r.ot less than fifty dollars nor more than
two hundred dollars for the first offence, and not less
than two hundred nor more than five hundred dol-
lars for each subsequent offence; and if the buyer
tion punisha-
shall obtain a prescription by misrepresentation, he
shall likewise be deemed guilty of a violation of this
act, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to
the same fines as the physician who shall violate the
same, the one-half of said fines to be paid to the
informer and the residue to the Board of Public
School Commissioners of Anne Arundel county, for
the use of said public schools, and said violators
shall be committed to the county jail of said county
till such fines and costs are paid; nor shall anything
herein be construed to prohibit a sale, by a pharma-