as all other employers, as of the date stated in such approval,
and shall cease to be subject hereto as of January 1 of any
calendar year subject to such two calendar years, only if at
least thirty days prior to such 1st day of January, it has filed
with the Board a written notice to that effect.
(2) Any employing unit for which services that do not
constitute employment as denned in this Act are performed,
may file with the Board a written election that all such services
performed by individuals in its employ in one or more distinct
establishments or places of business shall be deemed to consti-
tute employment for all the purposes of this Act for not less
than two calendar years. Upon the written approval of such
election by the Board, such services shall be deemed to consti-
tute employment subject to this Act from >and after the date
stated in such approval. Such services shall cease to be
deemed employment subject hereto as of January 1 of any
calendar year subsequent to such two calendar years, only if
at least thirty days prior to such 1st day of January such
employing unit has filed with the Board a written notice to
that effect.
SEC. 2. And lie it further enacted, That sub-section (f) of
Section 19 of Article 95A of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land, title "Unemployment Compensation", sub-title "Defini-
tions", as said Article was enacted by Chapter 1 of the Acts
of the Extraordinary Session of the General Assembly of
Maryland of December, 1936, be and it is hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
(f) "Employer" means:
(1) With respect to the calendar years 1936 and 1937, any
employing unit which in each of 20 different weeks within
either the current or the preceding calendar year (whether or
not such weeks are or were consecutive) has or had in employ-
ment, eight or more individuals (not necessarily simultaneous-
ly and irrespective of whether the same individuals are or were
employed in each such week), and, with respect to the calendar
year 1938 and any calendar year thereafter, any employing
unit which in each of 20 different weeks within either the cur-
rent or preceding calendar year (whether or not such weeks
are or were consecutive) has or had in employment four or
more individuals (not necessarily simultaneously and irrespec-
tive of whether the same individuals are or were employed in
each such week).
(2) Any employing unit which acquired the organization,
trade or business, or substantially all the assets thereof, of
another which at the time of such acquisition was an em-
ployer subject to this Act;