coupon or coupons, bond or bonds, shall have been paid or
redeemed it or they shall be cancelled or destroyed by the
County Treasurer and note thereof made on the record of said
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of Wicomico County, Maryland, shall advertise the
said bonds in at least two newspapers published in Wicomico
County and by such other advertisement as may to them seem
proper and advisable, inviting sealed proposals for the purpose
of said bonds or any part thereof, with the privilege to the
said County Commissioners of Wicomico County to reject any
and all bids, and no bid shall be accepted at less than par; the
said County Commissioners shall advertise said bonds for such
length of time as to them may seem adequate, and shall offer
said bonds either all at the same time or at different intervals
and amounts as may be most advantageous to the Board of
Education of Wicomico County in carrying on the work for
which said bonds are issued; and no part of the money arising
from the sale of said bonds shall be used except for the pur-
poses designated and provided for in this Aid; provided that
the costs of engraving or printing said bonds and the costs of
advertising authorized by this Act, and the other incidental
expenses connected with the issuance of said bonds, may be
paid out of said funds.
SEC. 6. And he it further enacted, That after the payment
of expenses provided for in Section 5 hereof the money arising
from the sale of said bonds shall be paid over to the Treasurer
of Wicomico County and credited by him to the Board of
Education of Wicomico County, to be used in the discretion of
the members of said Board of Education and under their
supervision and direction of building and equipping the afore-
said school building as aforesaid, and said Board of Education
shall have full authority to contract for, supervise, direct and
control such work in such manner as in their discretion they
may deem to the best public interest and full power is given
to them to employ and pay out of said funds all architects,
builders or other persons, supervisors or agents, as to them
may seem advisable and necessary.
SEC. 7. And ~be it further enacted, That for the purpose of
paying, the interest on said bonds and redeeming said bonds as
they mature, the County Commissioners of Wicomico County
shall levy, for the year 1937 and annually thereafter until all
said bonds issued under the authority of this Act shall mature
and be redeemed, a tax upon the assessable property of Wi-
comico County sufficient to pay the annual interest on said
bonds outstanding and to redeem said bonds as they mature