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council shall be always entered on record, to any
whereof any member may enter his dissent, and their
advice, if so required by the governor, or any member
of the council, shall be given in writing, and signed
by the members giving the same respectively; which
proceedings of the council shall be laid before the senate,
or house of delegates, when called for by them,
or either of them. The council may appoint their
own clerk, who shall take such oath of support and
fidelity to this state, as the legislature, shall direct,
and of secrecy, in such matters as he shall be directed
by the board to keep secret.
XXX. That the senate and
delegates may adjourn
themselves respectively, but if the two houses should
not agree on the same time, but adjourn to different
days, then shall the governor appoint and notify one of
those days, or some day between, and the assembly
shall then meet and be held accordingly, and he
shall, if necessary, by advice of the council, call them
before the time to which they shall in any manner
be adjourned, on giving not less than ten days notice
thereof; but the governor shall not adjourn the
assembly otherwise than as aforesaid, nor prorogue or
dissolve it at any time.
XXXI. That the governor, by and with the advice
and consent of the council, may embody the militia,
and when embodied, shall alone have the direction
thereof, and shall also have the direction of all the regular
land and sea forces under the laws of this state,
but he shall not command in person, unless advised
thereto by the council, and then only so long as they
shall approve thereof, and may alone exercise all other
the executive powers of government, where the concurrence